Railroad Tycoon 3 Fansite

Concept Art
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Game Overview
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Game Overview
Railroad Tycoon 3 is the third game in this multimillion-selling, world-renowned series. The Railroad Tycoon series continues to evoke the passion people have for steam and modern day locomotives, as well as the strategy gamer's desire for a significant challenge. Railroad Tycoon 3 builds on the popular features and successes of the franchise and seeks to improve and innovate them to provide the greatest gameplay experience of the franchise so far.

Players of Railroad Tycoon 3 begin the game with a modest sum of capital at the beginning of the Golden Era of Railroading and expand their empire into major cities, while purchasing the latest locomotives, forcing competitors into bankruptcy, and exploiting the stock market to become the ultimate Railroad Tycoon. The player's wealth is separate from that of their company; players can build up a massive fortune and even prosper by running their railroad into bankruptcy.

The game will follow in its predecessor's footsteps and allow the player to lay down their own track, this time with tunnels and overpasses in addition to bridges, and choose from a variety of locomotives dating as early on as the Norris and as recent as the modern day bullet trains.

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